Should you use mouthwash every day?

Clinisept+ Mouthwash 400 ml

We all know that brushing teeth, twice daily, will help to keep gums healthy, reduce the build-up of plaque on teeth and prevent tooth decay. Yet did you know, that brushing alone does not remove all of the bacteria that can cause gum diseases and tooth decay? This is why it is essential to use mouthwash which will help to kill any of the harmful bacteria left behind.

When should you use mouthwash?

The most effective way to use mouthwash is after brushing and flossing your teeth. It is best to wait a moment after brushing, which gives you the perfect opportunity to floss first.

Can mouthwash damage teeth?

The majority of commercially available mouthwashes that you can buy in supermarkets have a low PH level and high levels of acidity. This can erode tooth enamel and make teeth look more yellow..

Can mouthwash cause head and neck cancer (oral cavity, pharynx, larynx)?

The link between mouthwash and cancer has been very well researched, this is due to alcohol in mouthwash. The link is connected to the carcinogenic activity of acetaldehyde, formed in the oral cavity from alcohol, which is a known carcinogen. There is, however, very little evidence to substantiate any connection between mouthwash and oral or throat cancer. One of the most comprehensive studies conducted in Australia which reviewed all of the current research and evidence did not support the current evidence as substantial enough to prove a link between mouthwash and cancer.


Clinisept+ Mouthwash 400 ml use


What health conditions can be caused by poor oral hygiene?

Poor oral hygiene has been shown to cause several serious health conditions, including:

Heart (cardiac) disease - Research has shown a connection between heart disease through both direct and indirect effects of oral bacteria. This is partially due to the bacteria entering the bloodstream and that plaque can build up in the blood vessels, which can cause blood clots and clog up the arteries. This can in extreme cases result in a heart attack (cardiac arrest).

Neurological conditions - Studies into neurological (brain) conditions have indicated that poor oral hygiene may be linked to the onset of neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease and various forms of dementia.

Diabetes - When inflammation of the gums and mouth occurs, due to periodontal disease, the body is not able to use insulin efficiently to process sugar. This can also result in high blood pressure.

Cancer - Gum disease has been linked to cancers, such as pancreatic cancer and oropharyngeal cancer. Although the reasons why have not been yet proven by the research, experts believe there is a relationship and research continues to explore the cause and effect factors.

How to follow an oral care routine?

Establishing a good oral care routine is vital to both help preserve teeth for as long as possible and maintain health. Research has shown that good oral care can increase the chance of retaining more teeth as you get older, as well as decrease the risk of developing health conditions. The key to effective oral care is a combination of using the right tools with the best products.

Clinisept+ Mouthwash 400 ml use 2


Is an electric toothbrush more effective?

Electric toothbrushes have been shown to remove more plaque and clean teeth better, whilst causing less irritation to the gums. Dental professionals wisely recommend using an electric toothbrush over a manual one. An electric toothbrush with an oscillating or rotating head is believed to produce the best cleaning and plaque removal. Brushing should last for at least 2 minutes, twice daily before bed and when getting up and many modern toothbrushes now have timers to help you know you have brushed for long enough before stopping.

Is flossing teeth really necessary?

Flossing is essential to prevent tooth decay and should be done after brushing teeth, twice a day. The most effective way to use dental floss is to break off a piece and stretch it taut between the fingers of each hand. Then slide it down in between each tooth using up and down movements. If you find it difficult or uncomfortable to use dental floss you could consider changing to interdental brushes or even an electric water flosser.

Clinisept+ Mouthwash 400 ml


Clinisept+ Mouthwash

Clinisept + mouthwash is different from most commercially available mouthwash. This is due to the cleaning and protection it provides, against harmful bacteria that remain after brushing and flossing teeth. Unlike the majority of mouthwash, Clinisept + does not contain alcohol and chlorhexidine, or artificial dyes, and flavour enhancers. Neutral pH values and low acidity also ensure tooth enamel is not eroded and teeth do not end up looking more yellow over time.

This makes Clinispet + excellent for people with sensitive teeth and, or gums, allergies and anyone who take their oral hygiene seriously and wants the most professional and safest products available.