DON’T MAKE THE CURE WORSE THAN THE DISEASE - Hand Sanitizers In The Time Of Corona
Since we all need to use sanitizers multiple times a day, it’s time to get informed about sanitizers and how to properly use them. Because, unfortunately, some of them come with health risks.
Learn more to use them wisely and protect yourself and your family.
Know Thy Sanitizer
This is what Wikipedia says about sanitizers:
Hand sanitizer is a liquid, gel, or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands. In most settings handwashing with soap and water is generally preferred.
Do you know why is handwashing with soap and water preferred over sanitizers?
- Water and soap kill more pathogens then sanitizers
- Sanitizers can cause unwanted side-effects
Most commercially available hand sanitizers for general use are alcohol-based. Some of them use ethanol, while others are isopropanol-based.
Alcohols are good with killing pathogens - but not as good as handwashing with soap and water.
In general, alcohol-based sanitizers provide a reasonably good ratio of protection in cases when water and soap are not easily accessible and reasonable safety.
But, it’s important to know its risks and how to minimize them.
1. Alcohol-based sanitizers can damage the skin protective barrier
The first problem with alcohol-based sanitizers is that they can damage the skin protective barrier by removing the oily layer. The more we use it, the more oily layer we remove. Using it daily, multiple times a day doesn’t allow skin enough time to renew its oily layer.
Weaken protective barrier is not able to prevent pathogens from entering the deeper layers, which can lead to different kinds of infections and skin conditions.
2. Possible absorption and systemic effect on the human body
The second problem is the possible absorption and systemic effect on the human organism.
In times before Corona, cleaning the skin from time to time with a few drops of alcohol did not pose a significant risk. But now - when we use it daily, multiple times a day, for kids and adults equally - we should use it in reasonable amounts to prevent absorption and a potential long-term effect inside our bodies.
3. Low-quality products
The third problem with alcohol-based sanitizers is that due to exponentially grown
demand many companies launched low-quality products.
Recently a few schools in Ireland had to be closed because it was discovered that sanitizer used in Irish schools contained methanol alcohol - instead of ethanol.
Methanol is a dangerous substance and prolonged use can cause upper respiratory system irritation, dermatitis, eye irritation, and headaches. To avoid potential problems, the Ministry was forced to close the school allow kids and teaching staff to recover - and buy a new supply of sanitizer.
So, it’s important to buy from established companies with a proven track record of
producing safe and tested products.
4. Additives, perfumes, and colorings can irritate sensitive and
cause alleries
The fourth problem with alcohol-based sanitizers are additives, perfumes, and colorings that can irritate sensitive skin and even cause allergies.
When there is no other option - using sanitizer is always better than getting sick or
spreading the virus. But, don’t soak yourself and your kids in alcohol-based sanitizer if you can wash your hands!
Clinisept+ - another way to keep your
hands clean
You can also keep your hands clean by using Clinisept+ - a strong, but harmless skin purifier that doesn’ contain alcohol.
Many people choose to use Clinisept+ in daily care because its formula nicely purifies the skin, but since its active ingredient is skin-compatible, they are sure that it won’t hurt their skin.
Clinisept+ is based on hypochlorous, the same chemical that our cells produce as the strong natural pathogen defense. Your skin loves it - because it attacks pathogens, easily dissolving their membranes while leaving skin cells untouched.
After exposing the skin to alcohol-based sanitizers all day, it’s sound (and pleasant) to use something more gentle and non-aggressive to purify the skin.
Best hand washing and disinfection
- Wash your hands with water and soap where is possible.
- Use alcohol-based disinfectant when there is no other option.
- Use Clinisept+ Prep & Procedure (or Clinisept+ Aftercare)
everywhere without worries.
Combine washing your hands with water and soap, using alcohol-based disinfectant where it is the only option, and purifying your skin with gentle Clinisept+ at home is a winning combination.
If everybody takes care of hygiene, the virus will have less chance. So, clean your
hands wisely, safely, and stay healthy!