

The best commercials for your tattooing business are beautiful tattoos on the bodies of your clients. And a positive experience with a healing process.

Statistics say that 0.5-6% of tattoos are going to get infected, which leads to unpleasant complications, color fading or poor tattoo results. And a bad rep.

Even minor infections can make the colors fade or lower the quality of the tattoo.

Since some widely used cleaning agents can contribute to problems by irritating the skin, tattooing processes need revamp in approach to skin cleaning and aftercare.

Widely used alcohol disinfectants are reasonably good at killing most microbes, but their mode of action is not very sophisticated. They are not very picky about which cell they are going to attack. As they kill germs, they also interact with human skin cells, which makes tattooing more unpleasant and prolongs recovery.



Alcohol-based disinfectant make the tattooing process more uncomfortable and dry out the skin

Normally, the skin’s receptors recognize temperatures above 42°C as hot. Above that threshold, our natural alarms get activated and the unpleasant sensations warn us about possible danger. After the skin has been treated with alcohol, the threshold is reduced to 34°C, which increases the burning sensation your client might be feeling during the tattooing process.

Alcohol-based disinfectant can slow wounds healing and dries skin out

Since alcohol damages the wounded cells, irritates the skin and makes it dry and more sensitive, the recovery process will take a bit more time. Also, irritated and sensitive skin is more prone to infections.

The quest for a skin-compatible, non-cytotoxic cleaning and aftercare solution

For decades, medical professionals are aware that the hypochlorous acid, naturally present in human cells, is a strong and very reliable antimicrobial agent. It is the body's way to combat infections and kill the microbes. It provides superior antimicrobial protection, but at the same time, it is non-cytotoxic and skin-compatible, meaning it doesn’t hurt human cells. It enters easily through microbial membranes but doesn’t interfere with the molecules of the human cell membranes.


Since cells are not irritated, the recovery process is faster and tattooing is more comfortable for the client. Using cleaning products based on hypochlorous contributes to faster healing, fewer infections, and more permanent colors.




For decades, scientists have been trying to bring hypochlorous-based products to the market - but only in 2015. has the company Clinical Health Technologies Ltd. managed to stabilize the solution and bring it to the studios, aesthetic clinics, podiatry and in all fields where skin cleaning is necessary.

The product won the Aesthetic Award in 2018 as the product innovation of the year.




Tattooing studios from all over the world report great tattoo results, brighter colors, faster recovery, and less pain, irritation, and itching when using Clinisoothe Studio.

Clinisoothe Studio is designed to be used before, during the procedure and as aftercare.

How Clinisoothe Studio can improve your client's satisfaction, make the colors brighter and the speed up recovery process - read here.